
Designing for Resilience Project: RMLS

May 14, 2021
Kiele Schneckloth

Resilience Challenge

What barriers do real estate buyers and sellers face -in Portland, Oregon – that prevent them from having a clear, easy and streamlined real estate experience?

Regional Multiple Listing Services (RMLS) is a database for realtors located throughout Oregon and Southern Washington. RMLS employs developers, graphic designers, product managers, trainers, financial officers, HR admin, communications specialists, front desk admin, customer service and data specialists to serve their current audience of real estate agents and brokers. RMLS currently exists within the traditional real estate market, but clients of realtors are beginning to follow a non-traditional real estate market flow. Buyers and sellers now have more options than ever before, and to thrive in the new markets, RMLS must adapt with their environment.

Project Video

Baseline SWOT Analysis

  • Management of listings, which ensures quality
  • Client feels safer about the risk-level
  • Has more control over their listing
  • Listings appear on all sites, such as Zillow
  • Constant assistance with listings 24/7
  • Listers can create personalized reports for their sellers and buyers
  • Management of listings, which ensures quality
  • Only licensed real estate agents can list. Listings are audited by Data Accuracy Specialists. RMLS monitors listings and alerts listing agents of abnormal changes.
  • Not property-owner facing. Only visible to subscribers
  • No nationwide databases. RMLS is specific to Oregon and southern Washington
  • Not-for-profit – Board of Directors make all decisions
  • Change is slow to be approved and implemented
  • A part of the traditional real estate system, which is quickly becoming outdated
  • Not property-owner facing. Only visible to subscribers. RMLS’s subscribers are brokers and real estate agents.
  • Property-owner-facing database
  • Leverage the benefits of using such an accurate system
  • Leverage the benefits of human real estate agents
  • Create checks and balances among the listings
  • Allow subscribers to have a larger voice on changes
  • Become a for-profit company
  • Work with third parties
  • Strengthen partnerships with other MLSs within RESO
  • Create a property-owner-facing database to view listings. Allow them to have more control over their listings and view statistics about how they’re  doing on the market
  • Create a property-owner-facing database of real estate agents, lawyers, inspectors, brokers, and contractors. Some of this data is already in the database, while others would need to be added.
  • Leverage the benefits of using such an accurate system.
  • Leverage the benefits of human real estate agents. Property-owners are more likely to get a better deal when selling through an agent.
  • Create checks and balances among the listings
  • Allow subscribers to have a larger voice on changes
  • Become a for-profit company  so decisions could be made to advance the company and grow
  • Work with third parties, such as Zillow: so that RMLS provides listings and receives a  portion of their cut in return.
  • Strengthen partnerships with other MLSs within Reso, the Real Estate Standards Organization, to expand listing options for clients and ensure consistency.
  • iBuyers
  • Other MLSs
  • Online real estate companies
  • Companies leveraging AI
  • Dependent on success of realtors


To better understand the buyers’ and the sellers’ experience throughout the current real estate processes, the research team created systems maps to better understand and help the personas.

View this map in detail

Meet Simone, Our Buyer Persona.

Meet Gary, Our Seller Persona

Meet Daniel, Our Home America Persona

Process Work

The Project Miro Board
Critique 1
Critique 2
Critique 3
Critique 4
Critique 5

Final Project

Below are the final style guide, storyboard, experience map, site map, design prototypes and project write up.

Style Board


Experience Maps

Design Prototypes

Click Here to View the Prototypes & Mockups Closer
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